In an opinion piece published by MinnPost, Bemidji MN Chamber of Commerce board chairman Mike Beard shows his love, writing Community festival time: a time to consider the meaning of community.
Finally there is "the ugly." This is the area that I would like to focus the rest of the discussion about. I am not talking about physical ugliness, but rather "social ugliness." These are the people who too many of us (and I will include myself consistently in this confession) don't want to admit are part of our community. It may be the overweight person who is eating deep-fried cheese curds. It may be the pregnant woman who is smoking a cigarette. It may be the tattooed teenager with the black clothing and spiked hair. Or maybe it's the shabbily dressed lady who is buying her kids armbands for unlimited rides at $18 each.
What does he call his neighbors?
Some refer to these people who are different from them, people whom they disapprove of, as "wood ticks" — meaning they are a nuisance and come out of the outlying areas in the summer. They may not be like me, but I think we have to keep in mind they are still part of our community. ... I think we would all have to agree that in today's economic climate, the socially ugly "wood ticks" are an unfortunately fast-growing segment of our community that we have the obligation to help.
Wouldn't it be nice if the light of national attention could shine on Mr. Beard. His blog is here if you want to say Hi, or help him understand the difference between being condescending and patronizing.
By the way, you might be surprised to learn Bemidji is not in Michele Bachmann's district.